We’ve worked with Joe* for a number of years, seeing him at the Hub for breakfast and supporting him with this mental health and issues of substance misuse.
Around 18 months ago, Joe joined the Housing First programme. Our Housing First Project Worker has worked intensively with Joe, building up a relationship based on trust and support. She has provided regular food parcels and has applied for gas and electric payments, to ensure Joe has the essentials he needs to keep warm and fed.
We have provided signposting advice and have arranged appointments with GP services and have arranged for new furniture to be delivered to Joe’s home.
Joe is engaging with mental health support and has expressed a desire to become a peer mentor, once he is clean of drug use.
Joe is working hard to sustain his tenancy and contacts us if there is ever anything he needs.
Joe had this to say: “I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for Housing First and their ongoing help and support.”
*Name has been changed to protect identity