Over the last decade, the number of women in England who are homeless and living in temporary accommodation has increased by 88%.
Rough sleeper counts recorded 377 women on the streets in England on a single night in Autumn 2020. However, efforts made by many homeless women to hide away for their own safety, and a general lack of data regarding women’s homelessness mean this figure is likely underestimated.
Women’s experiences of homelessness are different to men’s.
Homelessness doesn’t affect everyone equally. While homeless men may be more visible on the streets, women’s experiences are often more acute.
Women are extremely vulnerable to becoming homeless. The general inequalities of our society, coupled with the rising cost of living means that women are more likely to live in poverty, hold caring responsibilities and are often the head of single households. Research shows that women are 36% more likely to be in rent arrears than men.
Women often become homeless because of abuse, and once homeless continue to be abused and suffer violence. Domestic abuse is the third most common cause of homelessness for women. Experiences of violence among women who have slept rough are near universal, and homeless women report more incidences of violence compared to homeless men.
There is not enough women-only support available. With many homeless women having experienced domestic abuse or violence, the need for safe women-only spaces is high. However, only 11% of support services offer single-gender services.
Women experiencing homelessness have shorter life expectancies than their male counterparts. This is contrary to the trend experienced by the general population, where women would have longer life expectancies than men.
The support we offer
We offer women with experience or at risk of homelessness an accessible women-only space through our Hub based in Rochdale.
We specialise in supporting women in contact with the criminal justice system, those at risk of offending or becoming a victim and any woman who requires a support intervention.
Through our wider team of colleagues, we can also access specialist support for domestic abuse, homelessness relief and prevention, poverty relief, outreach support, access to primary health, wellbeing activities and access to volunteering and employment and education.
We have multiple women-only supported accommodation facilities across Rochdale and Oldham. Our safe and friendly homes allow women with experience of multiple and complex needs to build the skills, resilience, and confidence to live independently in the community.
We provide safe spaces, free of judgment and cost.
Our women's services are funded by the Greater Manchester Women's Alliance and Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service.
Our activities timetable
Women can access health and wellbeing services such as healthcare and arts and crafts. Our partnership with the Homeless Alliance Response Team allows us to provide onsite nurses and healthcare at our Hub.
Arts & Crafts, 12 pm – 2 pm
Healthcare via HART nurses, 9am – 4pm
Health & Wellbeing, 2 pm – 4 pm
Healthcare via HART nurses, 9am – 4pm
Healthcare via HART nurses, 9am – 4pm
Candlelight Café, 12 pm – 2 pm
Arts & Crafts, 12 pm – 2 pm
For more information please contact petrus@petrus.org.uk.
To refer yourself to our services please see below.
How to make a referral
Download the Womens Centre Referral Form and return it to your local GMWSA centre.
Our women's services are funded by the Greater Manchester Women's Alliance and Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service.
How you can support our women’s service
We’d be delighted to have your support with fundraising!
To make a donation to the service, please click here.
If you are interested in finding out how you can fundraise as an individual, or with a group, click here.
If you are interested in finding out about corporate support and partnerships, click here.
If you have a query about fundraising please email us at petrus@petrus.org.uk