We’ve worked with Laura* for around five years and she is a regular visitor to our day services. She joined the Housing First programme 12 months ago.
We provide an intensive support to Laura, ensuring that she has everything in place to manage her tenancy. Since joining Housing First, we have:
- Provided fortnightly food parcels
- Arranged for clothes to be delivered
- Worked with the DWP to remove benefit sanctions and have benefits reinstated
- Worked with Laura’s GP to get her back on her medication and made a referral for mental health support
- Provided mobile phones to ensure Laura can continue to engage with us
- Sourced a Christmas tree and decorations
Laura has told us she is happy in her flat and would like support in making it more homely. We’re in the process of sourcing furniture free of charge or Laura to use.
Laura said: “Getting my own flat has been the best thing about working with Housing First. I am happy being in the area and my support worker is helping me look into local social groups to get me out more. I have had a good relationship with my support workers, they help me to get things done.”